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All the Beauty of the World The Western Market for non-European Artefacts (18th-20th century)

Jeudi 13, vendredi 14 et samedi 15 octobre 2016

Bauakademie am Schinkelplatz, Berlin (Allemagne)


Bénédicte Savoy (Technische Universität Berlin)
Charlotte Guichard (IHMC / CNRS, Paris)
Christine Howald (Technische Universität Berlin)

In the wake of the Western expansion, a fast growing number of non-European artefacts entered the European market. They initially made their way into princely cabinets of curiosities. Made possible by the forced opening and exploitation of more and more parts of the world and pushed by social and technological changes of the time, the 18thcentury brought a boom of the market of non-European artefacts in Europe. This came along with the emergence of a broader collecting culture and the development of a rich museumscape.

This market and its development in terms of methods and places of exchange and monetary and ideological value of the objects are in the focus of an international symposium organised by the Institute for Art History in cooperation with the Center for Art Market Studies at Technical University Berlin, in collaboration with the Institut d’histoire moderne et contemporaine (CNRS) and the Labex TransferS (PSL) in Paris. The keynote lecture will be given by Prof. Timothy Brook, holder of the Republic of China Chair at the University of British Columbia.

The aim of the symposium is to examine how the market for non-European artefacts developed between 18th and 20th century and to which extend it was entangled with the history of museums and private collections.

Convenors :
Bénédicte Savoy (Technische Universität Berlin)
Charlotte Guichard (IHMC / CNRS, Paris)
Christine Howald (Technische Universität Berlin)

International Symposium

Conference language is English.
There is no fee for attendance but registration is requested. Please register with Christine Howald via email (c.howald@tu-berlin.de) indicating your name and institution.


Thursday, 13 October 2016

18:00 Registration

Keynote lecture
Timothy Brook (Vancouver)
The Economy of Taste in Ming China. Buyer and Dealer in the Art and Artefact Trade (1609-1616)

19:30 Reception

Friday, 14 October 2016

9:00 Registration and refreshments

Bénédicte Savoy (Berlin), Charlotte Guichard (Paris), Christine Howald (Berlin)

Bénédicte Savoy (Berlin), Charlotte Guichard (Paris)
To Trade is to Transform. Shaping Value in a Global World

Section 1 Embedded Markets
Chair : Johannes Nathan (Berlin / Potsdam / Zürich)

Noémie Etienne (Bern)
Informal Market : Transactions and Translations in Versailles (1750–1800)

11:10 Coffee break

Natasha Eaton (London)
Creating Competing Spaces for Indian Art : Mimetic Rivalry and Collecting Networks in Britain and India

Talip Törün (Bremerhaven)
Delivered Ex Ship - The German Maritime Markets for non-European Artefacts (19th century)

13:00 Lunch break

Section 2 Marketing Objects
Chair : Esther Tisa Francini (Zürich)

Manuel Charpy (Lille)
Trading places. The Exoticization of Goods in 19th century Paris, London and New York

Yaëlle Biro (New York)
Avant-Garde, Ethnography, and the 1920s Sale of John Quinn’s African Art Collection

Élodie Vaudry & Léa Saint-Raymond (Paris)
A New Eldorado : The French Market for pre-Columbian Artefacts in the Interwar Period

16:30 Coffee break

Section 3 Selling Authenticity
Chair : Dorothee Wimmer (Berlin)

Philip Jones (Adelaide, Australia)
Australian Aboriginal Artefacts in the International Market (1880s–1930s)

Jonathan Fine (Berlin)
Obscured Objects of Desire : Negotiating the Paradoxes of the Art Market in Bamum (1924–1930)

John Monroe (Ames, USA)
Presumed Antique : Paul Guillaume and the Connoisseurship of African Sculpture

19:00 End of day one

19:30 Conference Dinner (all delegates)

Saturday, 15 October 2016

9:30 Registration and refreshments

Bärbel Küster (Berlin)
Reflections on the first day

Section 4 Global Players
Chair : Alexander Hofmann (Berlin)

Nélia Dias (Lisbon)
Christophe-Augustin Lamare-Picquot and the Fate of his Collection : Networks, Commercial Transactions and Museums

Ting Chang (Nottingham)
Emile Guimet’s Network for Research and Collecting Asian Objects (ca.1876–1918)

Masako Yamamoto (Kyoto, Japan)
Innovative Strategies in Dealing Japanese Art : Ikeda Seisuke, Yamanaka &Co. and their Overseas Branches (1870s–1930s)

12:30 Lunch break

Section 5 Dealing with War
Chair : Anne-Solène Rolland (Paris)

Christine Howald (Berlin)
The Power of Pricing. The Legitimization of Chinese Looted Art on the European Market (1860-1862)

Felicity Bodenstein (Paris)
Comparing the English, German and French Art Market for Objects from the Edo Kingdom’s Treasure (1897-1932)

Ana Mantua (Lisbon)
Diasporic Objects. The Portuguese Chinese Ceramics Market between 1942 and 1965

16:00 Coffee break

Final panel discussion
The Impact of Art Market Studies on Museum Provenance Research

17:30 End of the symposium

Publié le 13 septembre 2016, mis a jour le lundi 3 juillet 2023

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