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Citizenship until further notice ?

Refugees and revocation of nationality in the 20th century

Affiche du colloque

Mardi 19 et mercredi 20 novembre 2019

Villa Lanna
V Sadech 1, Praha 6
160 00
Czech Republic

Workshop organised by Claire Zalc, Centre national de la recherche scientifique (Paris), and Michal Frankl, Masaryk Institute and Archives of the Czech Academy of Sciences (Prague).

With the support of the Czech Science Foundation (project “Citizens of the No Man’ s Land”, no 18-16793S), and the French Agence Nationale de la Recherche (TREMPLIN project, no 18-ERC1-0003-01). lt is organized in cooperation with the ERC Consolidator project “Unlikely refuge ?” and the ERC Consolidator project “LUBARTWORLD”.

November 19, 2019

9:30 – 10:00 | Claire Zalc (Paris) / Michal Frankl (Prague)

10:00 – 11:20 | Revocation – A companion of modern citizenship ?

Chair : Rudolf Kucera (Prague)

Eric Lohr (Washington, DC)
The Soviet Great Denaturalization in Historical Context 
Yaron Jean (Beersheba)
A System without Order:Travel Documents and Mass Statelessness in Europe after World War I 

11:20 – 11:40 |Coffee break

11:40 – 13:00 | Categories of exclusion I

Chair : Agnes Kelemn (Prague/Budapest)

Alina Bothe (Berlin)
Staatenlos durch Ausburgerung“ - The de-naturalization of naturalized Jews with Eastern European heritage in Germany from 1933 onwards 

Claire Zalc (Paris)
How to denaturalize Jews under the Vichy France (1940-1944) ? The administrative routinization of everyday anti-Semitism 

13:00 – 14:00 | Lunch

14:00 – 16:00 | Categories of exclusion II

Chair : Vera Honuskova (Prague)

Elif Becan (Paris)
“Although he is of Christian religion...” Deprivation of citizenship in post-Ottoman Turkey and the case of Sabri Mahir Bey

lon Popa (Manchester)
Churches and the Revocation of Nationality for Jews : The Case of the Romanian Orthodox Church and lts Patriarch / Prime Minister Miron Cristea 

Maggie Paul (Adelaide)
lnsecurization and the Citizenship regime : Politics of insecurity around Bangladeshi Migrants in India

16:00 – 16:20 | Coffee break

16:20 – 17:40 | (Dis)Loyalty and citizenship

Chair : Katerina Kralova (Prague)

Ibrahim Kaya (Istanbul)
Denaturalization of “Escapees” in Times of Coup D’ Etat in Turkey

Nikola Karasova (Prague)
The Revocation of Greek Citizenship of Greek Civil War Refugees : The Case of Czechoslovakia

November 20, 2019

9:30– 10:50 |Stateles trajectories I

Chair : Thomas Chopard (Paris)

Nathalie Moine (Paris)
Successful emigrant entrepreneurs, siblings’ trajectories and the impact of the denaturalization policy in Vichy France

Vincent Artuso (Luxembourg), Jakub Bronec (Luxembourg), Georges Bochler (Luxembourg), Mare Gloden (Luxembourg), Denis Scuto (Luxembourg)
Six Jewish stateless families between the millstones of the Luxembourg authorities

10:50 – 11:10 | Coffee break

11:10 – 12:30 | Stateless trajectories II

Chair : Dieter Hecht (Vienna)

Marie Bossaert (Rome)
I would like to get my true nationality—the ltalian one—back : applications for ltalian citizenship and protection during the occupation of Istanbul (1919-1923)

Sima Velkovich (Jerusalem)
Polish citizenship as a way to freedom : changing persona ! story in the documents of Jewish refugees from the USSR right after WWII

12:30 – 13:30 | Lunch

13:30 – 15:30 | Contesting denaturalization

Chair : Claire Zalc (Paris)

Ségolène Plyer (Strasbourg)
Ascribing Czechoslovakian citizenship to ex-Wehrmacht soldiers ? Practices regarding the repatriation of prisoners of war after 1945 at the Ministry of lnterior in Prague

Laure Blévis (Paris)
Nationality revocations and lmmigrants judicial appeals in post WWII France

Michal Frankl (Prague)
“Appalling moral blow.” Polish Jews appeal the 1938 revocation of citizenship

15:30 – 15:50 | Coffee Break

15:50 – 17:10 | Colonial and post-colonial dimensions

Chair : Wolfgang Schellenbacher (Vienna)

Laura Maria Frey (Basel)
Disputed Citizenship. Black families in Germany. 1918-1933

Luan Staphorst (Port Elizabeth)
Between Revoking and lnvoking Citizenship : the problematic intersection of Apartheid South Africa. Pass Laws and the Post-Colonia ! Condition

17:10 – 17:50 | Conclusion and final discussion

To participate, please register via email at bartakova@mua.cas.cz.

Publié le 6 novembre 2019, mis a jour le vendredi 23 juin 2023

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