Accueil > Vie scientifique > Colloques et journées d’étude > Colloques et journées d’études 2024
Vendredi 4 octobre 2024, de 9 h à 19 h
Salle de conférence
École française d’Athènes
Didotou 6, Athènes (Grèce)
Workshop organized by Angelos Dalachanis, Alexis Rappas and Mercedes Volait as part of the research projects “Destins d’objets. La circulation des traces matérielles du passé de l’Antiquité à nos jours” and “1922 : dans le sillage de la mort d’un empire. Transitions politiques et stratégies d’enracinement des populations minoritaires en Méditerranée orientale”.
Moderator : Angelos Dalachanis
From Iberia via Florence ? An “Hispano-Moresque” Dish at the Great Meteoron Monastery
Nikolaos Vryzidis (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki )
Retracing History(ies) : An Ethiopian Artwork in Greece
Mirka Palioura (Ionian University)
Of Cycladic Figurines and Ghosts. Tales from the Aegean Sea
Stelios Lekakis (Newcastle University)
When 191 Egyptian Antiquities Travelled from the Nile to Samos
Artemis Papatheodorou (The Metropolitan Museum of Art)
An Iznik Tile, Greek Collectors, and the Appreciation of “Asia Minor” Pottery
Mina Moraitou (Benaki Museum)
From Mosque to Mosque, from Mosque to Museum : Moving Minbars during Restoration
Dina Bakhoum (IFAO & CEDEJ, Cairo)
From Pavillion to Church, from Paris to Athens : The Translocation of World’s Fair Architecture
Mercedes Volait (CNRS / InVisu)
From Ancient Drinking Vessel to Modern Olympic Trophy : The Semiotic Metamorphosis of the “Spyridon Louis/Ioannis Lambros” Cup
Christina Mitsopoulou (University of Thessaly)
11.30 – 12.00 | Coffee break
Moderator : Mercedes Volait
A Rusty Key in a File : Archives, Materiality and the Holocaust in the Dodecanese
Alexis Rappas (Koç University)
The Journey of a Hanukkah Lamp)
Odette Varon Vassard (Institute of International Relations (IDIS)
The Samovars of Russian Roma Travelling the World in the Early 20th Century
Adèle Sutre (Institut Convergence Migrations
The American Trunk and the Return Journey of Greek Emigrants in the Early 20th Century
Giota Tourgeli (Panteion University)
Gilles de Rapper (École française d’Athènes)
From the Albanian Alps to Minoan Crete : The Long Journey of Xhubleta
13.30 – 15.00 | Lunch break
Moderator : Alexis Rappas
Paper Trails : A Transimperial Legal Quest for the Franco Family’s Citizenship in the 19th Century
Antonis Nassis (EHESS & University of Crete)
Houses Left Behind, Pictures Taken : Memories and Legacies of the Lausanne Treaty
Eleni Kyramargiou (National Hellenic Research Foundation)
War and Peace. The Diary of Elpida Thrassou Castanaki, Cairo-Paris-Athens-Antibes, 1933-1963
Vivi Hatzigeorgiou (ELIA / MIET)
The Suez Civil Status Registers : Navigating Imaginary and Real Motions
Angelos Dalachanis (CNRS / IHMC)
Crossing Borders, Crossing Eras : An Archival Box in Transit
Kostis Karpozilos (Independent researcher)
16.30 – 17.00 | Coffee break
Moderator : Angelos Dalachanis
Souroti 1916. A Bottle of « Sour Water » that Became a Greek Commercial Success on a French Model
Emmanuelle Cronier (University of Picardy – Jules Verne)
Dairy in Mobility : The Translocation and the Changing Meanings of Yoghurt
Ilay Romain Örs (American College of Greece - Deree College)
Crafting Pasta, Building Identities : The Role of Pasta Machines in Shaping Italian Communities in Early 20th Century Tunisia and Egypt
Abel Solans (Sciences Po, Paris)
Across the Mediterranean and Outside the Law : A Case of Narcotics Trafficking in the Eastern Mediterranean During WWII
Kostis Gkotsinas (National Hellenic Research Foundation)
Moderators : Mercedes Volait, Alexis Rappas, Angelos Dalachanis
Publié le 24 septembre 2024