
Accueil > Vie scientifique > Colloques et journées d’étude > Colloques et journées d’études 2022

TRIESTE, city of “empires”

June, Friday 24th and Saturday 25th, 2022

GHOTEL hotel & living Bochum,
Alleestraße 140, 44793 Bochum (Germany)

Workshop organized by David Do Paço, Harriman Institute, Columbia University, Christine Lebeau, université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, et Markus Koller, Ruhr Universität Bochum, with support from CIERA and the Center for Mediterranean Studies (ZMS)

Contact : christine.lebeau@univ-paris1.fr, viktoria.junkernheinrich@rub.de, christopher.bermude@univ-paris1.fr 


Friday, 24th June

9:15 | Welcome

9:25 | Introduction

David Do Paço & Christine Lebeau

Local or regional vs imperial boosters

9:45 | Panel 1

Chair : Markus Koller

10:15 | Remodeling of Trade Networks. How Rijeka replaced the Zrinski Family in Integrating Hungarian Provinces ?

Nataša Štefanec (Zagreb)

10:45 | The economic relationships between Gorizia and Trieste in the Eighteenth century.

Loredana Panariti (Trieste)

10:45 | Discussion

11:00 | Coffee break

11:30 | Panel 2

Chair : David Do Paço

11:30 | The Hungarian hinterland of the Adriatic ports in the 18th century : voluntary construction and peripheral initiative.

Benjamin Landais (Avignon)

12:00 | Squaring the Circle : Trieste and Banking Imaginaries of the Viennese Administration.

Kolja Lichy (Giessen)

12:30 | Discussion

13:00 | Lunch

Knowledge in an imperial context

14:30 | Panel 1

Chair : Christine Lebeau

14:30 | The Business of War in Trieste : The Role of Tobacco Trade in International Money Transfers.

Katalin Pataki (Oxford)

15:00 | The German merchant community in Trieste in the 18th century and its relations with Venice.

Magnus Ressel (Frankfurt / Main / Greifswald)

15:30 | Discussion

15:45 | Coffee Break

16:15 | Panel 2

Chair : Kolja Lichy

16:15 | "In tutto l’Adriatico, e nel Mediterraneo ancora" : the Privileged Imperial Oriental Company of Charles VI as a decisive instrument for the opening of a continental monarchy to maritime traffic.

Costanza Lugnani (Paris)

16:45 | See as an empire. Visits and administrative commissions in Trieste late 17th-mid 18th century.

Christine Lebeau (Paris)

17:15 | Discussion

Saturday, 25th June

A policed or polite society ?

9:30 | Panel 1

Chair : Nataša Štefanec

9:30 | The police in the city and territorio of Trieste as a means of security and socioeconomic integration.

Aleksej Kalc (Ljubljana)

10:00 | Trieste Circulations of the Ottomans (1795-1825) : a Quantitative and Qualitative Ascertainment.

Zeynep Arslan (Bochum)

10:30 | Public Theater and Ballhaus : a Central European Architectural Typology (ca. 1750-ca. 1815).

Raluca Muresan (Paris)

11:00 Coffee break

11:30 | Panel 2

Chair : Antonio Trampus

11:30 | Interculturalism, Community, and Empire in the eighteenth-century Habsburg Adriatic : The Orthodox communities of Trieste and Rijeka through artistic evidence.

Margarita Voulgaropoulou (Bochum)

12:00 | The Figaro’s Paradigm : 18th-Century Trieste and its Unincorporated Society.

David Do Paço (Paris)

12:30 Discussion

13:00 Lunch

Back to the free port : a place, some friction

14:30 | Panel 1

Chair : Loredana Panariti

14:30 | Early Modern free ports as gateways of information between competition and collaboration : the case of Trieste.

Giulia Delogu (Venice)

15:00 | Trieste as information center and the power of the pen : Giacomo Casanova and the international crisis between Venice, Holland and the Habsburg monarchy (1783-1785).

Antonio Trampus (Venice)

15:30 | Discussion

15:45 | Coffee Break

16:15 | Conclusion

Daniel Andreozzi (Trieste)

Final discussion

Publié le 21 décembre 2022

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